Create the new Reality

. Hold within you in this imprinting design for you – the DNA designation – the imprint of everything to be provided through the natural resources, through the evolutionary processes, through the expanding consciousness using bio-technology in its most informed highest evolved aspect. You may already be aware of the mis-information and the distortion of the true purpose for bio-plasmic technology and this comes from the higher evolved states of consciousness that your Galactic family are already using. ~ #1014 April 16, 2020

Reset – the Shift is happening

In this phase you are experiencing, you are coming into the reset time of change. Are you ready to understand that? Are you ready to accept different ways of living – and you are all in a preparation state. Whether that relates to the next dimension or not, remains to be seen for you. The experience has been to shift your focus into one of maintaining yourself, your environment, your particular family unit or those you are existing with, into a state of clearness. So, separating yourself from others who are not ready to participate in this upliftment phase has been motivated of course by the current health situation. There is the overlaying and underlying and incorporation of the true purpose for you to be separated so that you align most clearly into your higher evolved aspect – that ultimate, that original state we often refer to as your point of origin existence and that correctly receives all of the informational data that you need at this time….
……Some of this information and energy you are receiving was emitted through different areas in different galaxies at some other time ready to be presented to you as the portals open in this current phase for you. Thus, you will understand the greater evolutionary process for you. This evolutionary process was part of the fabric of creation, the concept, the matrix of creation, with everything that is available to support, uplift, expand and as you become aware of that, then you see you have always been part of this. It was not imposed on you. It was your choice to accept the opportunity in this current lifetime you are experiencing to participate in this, to be here to witness it occurring, to assist the expansion into the next field of dimensional existence.
– #1011 Apr 2, 2020

Light Activation Codes

– YouTube Link –
March 16, 2020

I am feeling words and impressions around me.
We have information to share with you. We have some data of importance to share with you and to include into segments of your sessions and into your personal sessions.
There has been reached a point of reconnection and recognition for you of where you access the power of intention to utilize the codes of energy and the codes contain many light codes – light spectrum codes because it is in the light that the codes are contained and are distributed and the importance of being in the light, the natural light through the sun as it is at present, is important for all beings on the planet For those who are ready it will activate some of the inherent potential and abilities to restore and to activate and to elevate many of the functions of the body. In particular, the purpose is to increase the light within the energy field and as that increases and adapts to the ultra-light coming through the sun, then the processes of the energy system and therefore the body units is enhanced, is clarified. So, there are many ready, waiting for this activation and information because with the words and between the words the pattern which comes to you and everyone is achieving the result for you.
Do not get concerned or caught up in terminology and in analytical processes. This simply is beyond the common languages used on Earth. It is a language of light codes and again this is not what is utilized as the “language of light”. This again is simply codes which you are receiving and the energy aspect of you, the consciousness field, understands completely and absorbs it.
So you feel a natural upliftment, a stronger sense of being aligned and that is the purpose of this message for you today.
Every one of you has the capacity to respond to the light activation within you. It is part of your inheritance because it is your energy that is inherent within you, far beyond ancestral inheritance that you speak about and are aware of. This is the spectrum of light originating in the One Creative Source – and you are of that. Thus it is done.

Manifest Healing in the Physical Body

I was taken into an hypnotic state Feb 10, 2020, and one of the questions I had for the Higher Self/Sub Conscious was what does it take for healing received in the light body to manifest in the physical body.
Practitioner Yamin / Client Lani

The SC explained – It is to do with conscious mind allowance . The ego that is talked about. The healing is done in the greater consciousness levels whether that is referred to as the light body or just the greater consciousness and then again it is the same – it has to be accepted by conscious mind, which can block. Even though it is recognized that sometimes the healing or the disinformation or deformities or healing in some way has a benefit for the individual, always presented is the perfect place of alignment into the true original source of energy. It is not that the lesson has to be learned. It is that the conscious mind has to awaken and allow the energy to come in and to bring it into the physical body, and many times it is other people who need to hold the person in the sense of unwellness or disease or disorder and of course then those people also need to be touched and their conscious mind needs to allow the shift to occur to allow the pure light and energy and information to come in. Often people feel there is a hard lesson to be learned. That is a control mechanism and a belief system and we understand the belief systems can be very powerful but we know and you know the greater levels of consciousness exist above that and through that. It is something that each individual needs to recognize and allow to come through.
Even in this one she still needs to allow that to come through into the physical body

Yamin – can you help her to allow that

SC -Yes we are doing that and the same question had arisen from another person who contacted this one for help so she also is being helped

DNA – Reality / Existence

In another space / reality / dimension there is an energy DNA, which I was shown as very fine and light, wispy, and this is present even through all the accumulated changes in the current physical DNA over many life times. You are moving into the existence most suited to the DNA pattern emerging again within you. Many times you will feel different – this is the Light Body Self manifesting.

Prepare for sudden change

In a recent Personal Energy Multi-dimensional Field session the person was visited by Galactic Beings [again]. Work is being done enhancing energy systems around Earth. Interplanetary network of Beings helping in many ways, achieving improved ways of living, these ways exist in you and many people It is hidden/masked at the present time. This different way of living is like ascending into the different dimension. It will be like flicking a switch into this different dimension of living – timing is not revealed.
People are being checked for their preparedness to accept a sudden change. It will appear people will come to a standstill, perhaps in sleep, and will then be switched on/into the new dimension. The information is already in you. Be aware there will be a sudden change, upliftment. People may call it ascension. It is not dying, the body will change. There is an abundance of energy for everyone when they seek it, needs opening of minds, like curiosity to know why they are in the body on Earth.

Golden Light Beings

Perhaps you see them as Golden Light energy Beings and this indicates a level of expansion and connection to Source Energy and the level of presence and purpose as they mingle with you at this time, speaking directly to many of you in your heart sensing, and this is important because then you know their presence.
They encompass you in the field of knowledge to do with the changing systems around Earth planet, changing systems that have always existed but you are becoming more aware and conscious of the existence of the energy systems of Light. This is appearing to you as crystalline light at this time, sparkling energy around you. You would feel it on your skin. You would feel it in the layers of your energy form surrounding your physical skin and as you correctly attune with this energy coming through the Light Portals from Source, there is a cleansing effect and many of you may have been realising your physical systems have been manifesting certain symptoms and the sensing is that you have been needing to be clear. ~ Issue #989 Oct 19, 2019

[ Image with thanks – ]

Higher Self / Super Consciousness Help

The wonderful part of QHHT sessions is the help given to the person during the session.
The HS /SC is always loving and supportive and explains why difficulties have been experienced. It clears blocked energies such as vows made, emotions, fears, damage from other lifetimes affecting people now.
One person was taken to a lifetime where she slipped off a cliff, damaged spine, left to die. The HS put blue energy into her spinal discs [which she felt]. She also realised this was where her fear of heights originated and she released that herself.
A person wanted to know why she hurts herself, usually spine, while she is helping others. The HS/SC took her to experience the lifetime where she was stabbed in the back while she was helping defend a castle, The HS/SC cleared the energy imprint of that. The client now understands why she feels the the need to shield her back. Healing was given to her spine. After the 2 hour session she felt lighter, no back pain, was inspired and energised and felt supported.
In another session a man realised where his fear of horses came from and throat and skin issues – he experienced the lifetime where he was hanged and burned. The HS/SC cleared the energy imprint.
Experiencing the connection to the HS/SC in whatever way that is experienced in the session is always valuable.

Ultra-light Source Energy

There are various processes involved to bring in stronger streams of manifestation of the pure intense light stream, coming through from Source Creation. ….From your existence in your first origination space you were aware of this and you actively used that pureness – the intense light pattern – to help the creation….. You are assisting in the overall process which is introducing this renewable source of ultra-light into the energy patterns around the planet, and thus it is available to individuals.
Issue #986 Sep 26 2019