Linking in with the Cosmic Intelligent Field for people in recent personal energy information sessions and linking with the Cosmic Intelligent Self, the Point of Origin, of the person, similar information is coming forward for the individual, ancestors, and descendants, and for the blood in the civilisation we exist in now.
In realizing that everything exists now, when linking with the Cosmic Intelligent Self, the Point of Origin – Source – then energy can be changed. The more we focus on clearing blood, it clears the energy of blood everywhere.
For some people information comes forward about some meddling taking place to interfere with the vitality of humans, changing the original blueprint of Source, cosmic intelligence and for other people it is clearing environmental toxins. PEMF
Author: Omega
What is resequencing doing? It enables more light into the energy field and therefore the cells, resulting in a stronger field, which is immunity.
There are many references to this- here are the latest –
Here we are referring to the resequencing patterns and so there is resequencing of the energy field surrounding the planet and all aspects. #1088 Sep 16, 2021
the sequencing which is available to you is transformative #1085 Aug 26 2021
Life force damaged
Nov 15, 2021. A call for help for a man 21. Heart palpitations. Doc said it was just stress and anxiety. He had a second “injection” 3 days before these symptoms. I called on the Quantum Consciousness Beings & his High Self to scan and clear what is giving rise to these symptoms. I saw amazing light sparkles penetrating his energy field and body. “His life force had received a blow and is being worked on to remedy” I was told. The same energy, like rainbow colours, sparkling golden light, also then enfolded his family.
His mother reported he came home brighter and lighter that day, and seems not to be experiencing any more of those symptoms.
A Cure?
I have a question for the quantum consciousness and they said they listen and are always present .
My question is regarding CLO2 Chloride Dioxide sometimes called MMS. Is that an effective cure for this [C19] virus?
“It is one such chemical which could be used in a sense as you ask. There is evidence to support it, there is evidence to not support it, mainly because the dosage necessary is different for every individual and in the correct dosage one drop is sufficient. The energy frequency of that is what is needed.
It is always about the frequency of what is taken in and around the person is what is indicated and in that way vibration is important. It could be the vibration of a certain tone or note. It could be the vibration of a specific color. In this way the humans are used to taking something whereas the entire bodily system and energy field needs to be attuned to specific vibrations and there is always the essential single vibration that is necessary. As you sense this you will feel that one vibration holds a certain pattern or frequency and if the person is connecting into that, the resonance of that changes what is out of the resonating field – or you could say the person is out of order in disorder.
So we speak about vibration and frequency and it is not simply about eliminating or killing one particular aspect. It is about bringing the entire person into the vibration where it resonates with the initial energy, the pure note of creation and this also is part of the template for a healthy individual. The energy systems of people can be easily confused and entangled.
Again, we clarify it is necessary for the human being to be in harmony and resonating with the core frequency of Creation.”
Thank you August 28, 2021
Breathe ….
Take a gentle, natural breath in, and as you breathe out feel it flows from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Now think of yourself standing in clear light, like a stream of sparkling light coming through the Sun from Source. Think of it clearing your energy field and every cell in your body. Know this is strengthening your vital essence.
PEMF Feedback
Oh my goodness! …. thank you thank you Lani thank you!! You have made such a massive difference to me … I have been down in the depths and to very dark places over the last 6 months trying to make sense of everything.
I hope you know that you make a huge difference to peoples lives … you have certainly done that for me. So greatly appreciated. ~ C. NZ ~ Distant PEMF session, emailed.
This may seem to you a very important aspect of what you have come into this space to experience [uplifted into the Station of Light]. Indeed, because you, yourself, have drawn you into this space, then you understand you are receiving what is appropriate and all that is appropriate for you in this time.
This may include patterns from other Galactic groups of Beings with you. Remember – this is not what is referred to as abductions, but it may be referred to as upliftment journeys through passages of time and entry into other Galactic spheres of existence for you to receive informational patterns. – #1072 May 27 2021
Telepathy incorporates the presentation of the entire field of the communication necessary. The pattern of potential. The communication pattern, which is perhaps explaining to you why a telepathic communication does not necessarily embrace a sentence constructed word by word. It is not necessary when you enter into absorbing everything that you receive….. #1072 May 27 2021