Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Dolores Cannon

Dolores is a well known hypnotherapist who developed the QHHT technique to take people into a state of consciousness to access memories which are relevant to our lives today and to communicate with the greater consciousness of the client. She has published many books detailing information revealed through her clients, involving information from past, present and future, other lifeforms, other dimensions.

I refer to Dolores in the present tense because although she passed from the physical body in October 2014, she is strongly working with her many practitioners and her work is carried on by her daughter Julia and supporting staff.

I am a certified QHHT Level 1 Practitioner, situated in Mount Roskill South. Auckland, New Zealand. I trained in 2014 and continue sharing notes with other QHHT practitioners and expanding ways to facilitate helpful sessions.

The QHHT sessions take place in my private, octagonal-shaped dwelling behind other homes, not visible from the street. The tranquil setting, away from the stress and noise of the city and in a quiet, nurturing environment, helps in the sessions.

The session involves time spent getting to know you, your questions, difficulties you may be experiencing, your life, your aims, exploring something strange which may have happened to you, and other matters which you might want answers to from the SubConscious/SuperConscious/Infinite Consciousness/ Cosmic Consciousness / Quantum Consciousness / Source Energy. The level of consciousness accessed is always, supportive, helpful, loving.

The hypnosis session is carried out with you relaxing in a reclining chair and as you allow yourself to relax deeply, you can then access other life-times/dimensions for energy and information to help you now, if it is appropriate. What is interesting now is that our consciousness has expanded and it is not necessary to access what is known as other lifetimes – it is all about clearing you now of patterns which may be limiting you so that you have a clearer connection to the Cosmic Self.

After the session we spend time discussing the experience and wisdom gained and healing experienced. I record the session, and I email this to you after the session for you to listen to. It is recommended that you listen to the session several times to gain the full benefit of the information you received, because like any healing, more information and changes can continue to occur.

The session is usually about 3 hours.
You must be able to easily speak and understand the English language.

L1 signed by Julia
L1 signed by Dolores

If you are interested in having a QHHT session with me, please email me.
Location: Auckland, Mt Roskill Sth 1041. My session times are Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, 10 am or 1 pm and Saturdays 10 am, subject to availability.
If you are not able to visit me in person, please read this.
IMPORTANT – Please read My Code of Ethics & Agreement

Payment $250 – cash, or transfer to NZ bank account [I will send you details], or credit card

People sometimes ask was I Hypnotised? I was aware/awake the whole time but when I tell them how long I had been recording the session, this proves that they lost sense of time as they were in other states of consciousness.

“I would like to thank you again for the wonderful session that you did for me. I started experiencing the healing ever since the session. With your help, the root cause of my physical problem surfaced. As the fear and doubt subsided the discomfort of the fibroid that had been bothering me vanished too. The session has reconfirmed my life purpose and how I am already walking on the path that delights my body, spirit and soul in the most profound way. I am in a much more relaxed state to allow the healing to happen, to embrace life without fear and disappointment. This is a truly enlightening occurrence for me. It wouldn’t be possible without you being the hypnotist who is full of healing energy and asking the right questions to guide the session. I feel blessed and can’t wait to meet you again in the future to learn more from you.” TC
“Thank you ever so much Lani for the wonderful session 🌈 this is deep and fascinating work and an amazing and transcending experience to have. 💓🦉💓 SK”
“Lani thanks very much, I’m feeling great after the session and thinking about what was spoken about a lot, it was great listening to the audio more learnings came up for me. I feel very calm and kind of free feeling.”- MS
” Hi Lani I just wanted to thank you again for the session the other day and how much I am grateful to you. Since that day I feel like I’ve got much more clarity in my thoughts and less fear, I feel like I can move forward in my process and yesterday afternoon I connected with my higher self and I could feel him giving me his hand that was a very beautiful experience” – by text.

” I’ve had a tremendous change in my perception and experience since having a session with you. I’m constantly connected with my higher self and have wonderful synchronicities happening many times each day. I’ve honestly never been happier in my life.
Thank you again. ” B.

One person came with a strong fear of flying which she wanted to clear. The session explored a different life reality and also the SC showed her the home she grew up in, a long distance from New Zealand. The SC revealed it was not a fear of flying but it was the fear of what she would experience at the home. After her trip back there she was absolutely delighted to tell me that the fear had completely gone and she did not need to take strong medication before the flights.

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