Personal Energy Multi-dimensional Field sessions are for energy and information for you at this time, clearing energy to allow you clear reconnection to your quantum self consciousness.

You are energy – and energy is everywhere – so distance is not a limitation nor is it a restriction to the energy session. The energy and information to clear / heal / restore can go to physical, emotional, mental concerns, your entire energy field, to uplift and energise you.

At the start of the session I link with you on an energy level and ask permission from your Body Mind Consciousness and Quantum Consciousness to work with you and for the energy to help you in the most appropriate way. In this way You are helping You. If you are seeking clearing/healing a specific disorder, I also incorporate the use of energy field devices, a scalar field unit, or a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field unit, visualising the unit on you as if you are here with me.
I record what I sense/see during the session and email this audio recording to you, so that you experience the energy as you listen to it, as if you were physically present with me during the session.
Listening to the session several times helps you to again experience the reconnection to your Quantum Evolved Self and gain more insight and energy. Every session contains energy and wisdom from that HES.
The sessions are usually 20-30 minutes.
My Personal Statement

Session Options
You need to be able to speak and understand the English language.
Payment options are by credit card as below, or
– By bank transfer [between New Zealand bank accounts] – please email me for account details.
Fixed fee NZ$50 below, or Your choice on the Services page.

OPTION 1 – Distant/remote session recorded and emailed to you
You must Send Me (email or text) a recent photograph of yourself / or person the session is for, together with the age of the person, and add any comments about what you are wanting help for. I use the photograph to visualise you with me.
– we can have a video chat, if required, after you have listened to your session, to discuss it.

OPTION 2 – visit me in person [NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESENT] – Auckland 1041, New Zealand

PEMF Notes

Testimonials and here are a few words from people who have requested “Your Personal Message” from me:

Oh my goodness! …. thank you thank you Lani thank you!! You have made such a massive difference to me … I have been down in the depths and to very dark places over the last 6 months trying to make sense of everything.
I hope you know that you make a huge difference to peoples lives … you have certainly done that for me. So greatly appreciated. ~ C. NZ

Amazing, thank you. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to listen to this and absolutely spot on…
Dear Lani, Thank you so much for your gift of this message.
I was really overwhelmed (in the best way possible) upon listening to it. Certain things you said brought up a lot of emotions, like when you spoke about the domed civilization.. I just burst out into tears!!
I’ve had a few memories come back to me, and have received a few messages. It was really beautiful and relieving to hear all of this knowledge, thank you so much for channeling it for me. It has sparked a lot inside of myself, some memories and things I’m really excited to delve further in to.
….. my infinite gratitude to you, [R. Auckland]

Dear Lani,
I want you to know how strongly the message is resonating. I feel that it gets deeper and more expansive with every day – as if the information came in a zipped energetic folder; it’s codings stretching out luxuriously inside my heart and popping out everywhere but the rational mind. Thank goodness. Also know that the message confirms a great deal!
Thank you for being so in tune with our etheric realities. Wow. Wow. And one more Wow! InJoy, B.
Lani, Thank you for the message. I am astounded that so many of my questions were answered by you without any external communication about them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. – D. Beverly, M.A., USA
I was so moved by the reading and healing Lani , thankyou so so much, you are amazing at what you do! I so needed to hear what came through! I feel like a dry sponge that has just soaked up a river! – P., Melbourne, Australia
POWERFUL. I was moved to tears, held by a peaceful and loving energy, while being given information I needed to know. Thank you.J., E.Sussex, England
Thank you for my spiritual reading. I was amazed at how accurate it is, and it has been of immense value to me. R., TeAwamutu, NZ.
Thank you dear lady for the channelling message. Your tuning in was just amazing, it brought clarity into what I had been thinking about and what was happening to me. H., Waihi, NZ
Thanks for the taped message – it was both inspiring and reassuring. M., NSW, Australia
Thank you for the reading. You said in the reading that I have a staff, yes I do, it is made in NZ with a Tibetan clear quartz crystal that I found in Tibet. A., Auckland, NZ
The more I listen to the messages you have given me, Lani, the more I get from them. A., North Auckland
– Thank you so much for all your sessions — I appreciate how you can so accurately and precisely describe and transmit what you see.
– Best night sleep she has had for many weeks. Her breathing is so better this morning and she is very relaxed
– I wanted to tell you that late yesterday afternoon I became aware that my back, in all three areas that you said something was being removed from, coccyx, mid back and upper spine, all ached … but today I had a lot of energy and actually worked quite physically for a few hours in my garden,,,, not done for a while and yes the aching disappeared overnight. For me it was an affirmation of what you showed me.
– thank you for the healing and the email. I was going to get back to you almost straight away to tell you how different I felt, but decided to wait awhile and got busy! Something has changed around the solar plexus chakra area. A definite clearing feeling. It was strong for around 2-3 days and is still like it – I’ve just tensed up a bit due to home issues which are a bit chaotic!
– I have just listened to the session and have deep gratitude for the healing , energy words and confirmations that came through from my galactic family. I did smoke and was bringing up a lot of mucous in the last month so you were exact in your intuiting this. This has been powerful and the support so beautiful.
– What absolute delight and heartfelt abundance I received ..everything you shared and came through you had been measured with such reference and joy. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders somewhat and I look forward to walking this path of communing with the higher higher realms ….
– thank you Lani i felt better immediately after listening and had a great nights sleep. feel so much lighter today. i am so grateful for your light.
“Hi Lani.
Another amazing healing, thank you so, my gratitude can not measured.. Thank you for sharing your gift and the wonderful transformation I have received. I have been feeling so good lately, and yes I have been improving my connection to the universe. Also a huge thank you on the amazing work you have done with my boy and Im sure he has already thankéd you by himself.
Blessings M.” [3 remote treatments]
“I experienced good healing at the cellular level from Lani using the PEMF therapy remotely. After three sessions with her I am on the path to clearing up some old chronic health problems. I highly recommend the remote therapy service.” E.K. Australia
“Less than 48 hours after our [remote] session the quite severe pain in my knee is gone:) thank you Lani ! Awesome I’m walking again without moon boot and crutches”- Doris, Sydney
“…It was such a lovely treatment, very accurate with what you said about me being sensitive to smoke and chemicals. It’s been more so lately. …I am feeling so much better and stronger. My skin has improved so much and my overall well being. My hair is not falling out in excess anymore and I feel like I am improving every day… M., Sydney”
“I highly recommend Lani’s Remote treatments. They have helped me a lot to shift even very deep blocks and imbalances in my energy field and body. I recently fractured my ankle and and the instant improvement I felt is amazing.
Thank you Lani for your generous heart and spirit.
Doris, Sydney”
“Just had to tell you I have and continue to get huge benefit from your remote treatment! I listen to it almost every day and for meditation too. Marvellous! …” J. Brisbane
“… Thanks for the remote healing .. I have felt the dull ache leave my head and not return…wonderfuil! ” V. Waihi
“The second treatment felt very upbeat and positive. I could feel it in my body during the treatment. I liked the blood cleansing and the messages …. ” A. Sydney
“As usual I felt surrounded by light and my body totally relaxed, even a sore toe stopped hurting during the session.” J. Mt Maunganui
“Yes, a very deep session! I slept well and very deep for the first time in a while, woke up with a few pains in unusual places which is probably the readjustment…”