Time Travel and Parallel Realities

Lani – Does she have lives, living in other dimensions in parallel universes – aspects of her co-existing in parallel universes? Is that part of her?
Higher Self – Multiple.
Lani – Is it valuable in this current life pattern for her to know what she is doing in another dimension?
Lani – Does she know she time travels?
HS – she is beginning to suspect.
Lani – Does she need to trust what she feels and knows?
HS – Yes. Be more open to it.
Lani – What is the purpose of the time travel?
HS – To see the other parallel realities.
Lani – what is the purpose of that? Does she need to observe that? Does it help in some way.
HS – It can.
Lani – Does the information get collected?
HS – It can do, and to observe.
Lani – Is she doing anything with it, with the information?
HS – Not yet. She doesn’t know, not understanding that it is happening more
Lani – The information that she observes and gathers –
HS – Not to doubt it
Lani – and does she need to present that into some other group or aspect? What is the purpose of gathering it, observing it? What does she need to do with that? Where does it go?
HS – Into higher dimensions
Lani – Does she go somewhere to take it into higher dimensions?
HS – She understands something that she didn’t before. She is learning? She needs to ask herself what is she learning, see the lesson in it.
Lani – Is it possible to make changes in these other ….
HS – Definitely. She can make changes and come back.
Lani – Is that appropriate and needed?
HS – Yes it is.
Lani – So she is existing in that state where she time travels? HS – The time travel is part of the parallel universe, going into it and coming back to “this reality”.

Light Quota Capsules

Lani – you showed her a life where they did not eat food, it was all capsules and liquids which had been made. Did they still contain life-force?
Higher Self – Very much so. they have been condensed into such a state that they are basically like a glowing – the way to describe it is, it is like taking a piece of light as such and inducing that. It is essentially like taking sparks of light and that is all we require and that is what these capsules have evolved to.
It is we are taking our light quota and they have been prescribed specifically for us and that is how we will be receiving them. Not everyone is receiving the same light quota capsule It is all tailored to what the requirements are.
Lani – another question – at some stage did we have star bases existing on Earth and are they coming back into existence to help us evolve?
HS – Yes the stars are another way of increasing the light quota so they are present to help whatever existence is around to remember who they truly are and the way to do this is to increase the light quota. The stars are here as a protective cloak to call upon. We can ingest the stars as such as well through the visual process so by star-gazing we can draw on more light to flow through the physical body at the present time.
Lani – thank you. I have seen that as a starfield matrix that enters into us and aligns us. We have that same starfield matrix in us?
HS – Yes

Restoration Pod

This is an extract from a session –
Lani – In one experience you showed her getting into something like a pod to be restored…. are those types of pods available to us currently in our consciousness as a restoration pod for us to consciously use?
HS – Yes very much so and it is very important at this time to place yourself in a pod-like situation to eliminate anything that is no longer serving you and you have to step into that space to be able to see where the assistance is required from the different layers of the Being.

New Earth

Lani – when we forget about time and move into the overall existence of consciousness – at some level all of that work must have been achieved? she has been cleared of all of that – all the trauma from this lifetime? At some level that has already been cleared?
HS – yes it has already been cleared. The experience is just waiting for her to step into it when she is ready, so the heaven on Earth feeling is waiting for her and she has felt glimpses of it, seen glimpses, felt it on all different levels but that total immersion is just there waiting for her.
Lani – is it correct – consciousness on Earth – many of us are feeling this new Earth, this new beginning closely around us, already existing. Is that correct?
HS – the new Earth as far as I know is already amongst us so it is a matter of slowly stepping into the new frequency and integrating into the new journey. It won’t seem at all obvious, it will just be like taking that next step forward. As long as you are consciously doing the work to assist your being in clearing karma, then the journey will reveal itself. it is closer than what we think or what human beings think – as a collective I say “we”
Lani – thank you.

Blood receiving Light

In distant PEMF sessions recently [Mar 2019] I see blood receiving Light – Issue 959 describes this “. At the present moment you will be aware that your blood system is being enhanced through this connection. Within the blood system is the flow of energy which your body has taken in through the various energy vortices and this also is inherent in your core energy flow paralleling your physical spine and it is receiving in depth some coding energy mechanisms through the blood. As the blood integrates this energy there is a natural filtration process occurring. This will help you adapt to the changing energy patterns you are receiving.

Hip and lower spine

“Rita” [name altered for privacy reasons] wanted PEMF treatment for R. hip scheduled for replacement, lower spine distentions, chronic pain syndrome in toe following L. hip operation, walking only with a walker or crutches:

Felt very clear mentally after first session,
Second session – pain in toe less, generally feeling better, friends noticed her standing straighter,
Fourth session – fewer painkillers needed,
Session 6 – no painkillers needed and off nerve medications which were giving rise to headaches. Spinal scan shows improvement in L3 and L4
Session 7 – exercising more in swimming pool., able to move R. Leg more,
Session 8 – walked length of hall unaided.


“Jennifer” had been feeling depressed for several months, low energy levels and pain in bones where fractures had been suffered in a motorbike accident approx. 20 years ago. After 6 sessions is stronger emotionally, no panic attacks, energy levels lifted from 2 to 8 on a scale of 1-10. Playing bowls. Fracture pains no longer bothering her

Injured Cat

My cat Nelix got entangled in some power leads while standing on hind legs peering out a window and hurt his spine, across the hips area. He was obviously in pain and limping and wanting to go outside. I quickly plugged in the MRT Holistic Energiser unit and placed it as close as possible to him, touching his fur. It only took about 5 minutes before he sat up, stood up and stretched and slowly realised he was ok.