A client has had 3 treatments. Even after the first he was able to sleep for 5 hours without the use of sleeping tablets. He tells me the discussions we have about what is observed in different levels of his body, mind, consciousness has helped him feel comfortable with himself. Healing is more than just working on physical symptoms. He also noticed an improvement in an old spinal injury. He has emailed me this comment: “Just want you to know I’m sleeping well now. The healing session had opened my spiritual awareness even more. Thanks heaps. God bless you.”
and –
The energy drawn in by the body during the treatments works to balance the natural neuro-chemicals relating to night and day, sleep and wakefulness, as well as addressing underlying stress which triggers the sleep disorder.
After just one session a user reported able to sleep again and to have a natural nap during the day – after 4 years of not being able to do this. Natural rhythms are being restored in the body processes. She is returning for more treatments!