Remember, you are on this Earth station serving an inter dimensional communion, all bringing forth and working co-operatively, the process of the higher frequencies of Source being restored.
Companions of The Command, also referred to as the Angelic Ones, for often we are seen merely as an energy form and with the energy movement this gives the appearance to you as ones who are winged.
Be in joy as you step forth on this part of your journey – for the energies are changing around you again, this time bringing to you the opportunities for you to move forward.
Love is the pure essence in this creation of experience. If you had nothing else but love around you, you would be complete, fulfilled. This vibration is part of you.
From The Command – all that we are – you are. We serve one another and we serve the Universal Creator and we serve all that is of Earth planet in this time. We are here / you are here because of that need and purpose in transformation.
This Station is ready to receive a great many number of Beings who will be uplifted from planet Earth and you are included in that. Issue #687 8/8/2013