“…many large vessels around the Station of Light, drawn here into this space around Earth. Some are directly around Earth and some are further out around from the different encircling planets and there is a stabilisation and a sorting out of some of the energy which flows into the patterns of the different planets and this is emitted from the sun area and the vibration and what is being manifested in that area for Earth – being brought forward to assist. It is a collective effort, or project perhaps you might see it as, and as this continues then of course your energy frequency changes. You are already beginning to reflect those changes around you physically. The changes are enhancing you. …”- Issue 866
Author: Omega
Upliftment Flash Point
.”It is THE moment of the upliftment and activation of many Beings on Earth. So, no matter what they are involved in physically, there is a moment – you may call it a flash point – when full realisation comes to many people and this may include you all here in attendance, and in that moment there is an orientation of the entire Earth plane consciousness into the next state – the next level. ….” – Issue #855
Earth’s evolution
Ulea – I AM love
“So, it is always that I bring you love and help you experience joy and gratitude and that leaves no space in you for the opposite of those expressions and as you realise that, then you are able to move forward into unity with the higher energetic fields coming through to you. This allows you to communicate more clearly with the higher dimensional Beings and you become in accordance, in tune, with the vibrations of those different Beings. ” Ulea – Issue #839
– Affirm I AM Love, I AM Grateful, I AM joyful
and notice the change in you. 🙂
Future Bodies
Within this Station – actions
“… within this Station of living, where many of you are helping prepare food substances and others are teaching, others are enveloping groups of beings in waves of energy and these waves of energy come from a further part of Creation and they are enveloping around you, around your Earth planet and connecting in, receiving what is occurring and what is naturally able to be sustained within the human energy field at this time. #729”