Omega symbol
Omega Symbol
Welcome to this site ~ the Earth Station Portal to the higher dimensional energy and information of the Command Station ~ given to the Omega Group which first met in February 1988. Here you will find everything dedicated to assist you to realise the Being of Pure Creation that you are.

“I bring you greetings and I say thank you for opening your awareness to embrace the aspect of the teachings, if you would call it teachings ~ and yet it is only the energy which explains to you the changes occurring ~ and the information to help you expand further and move forward through the experiences, through the limits, on this journey that we share in.

Orem speaking with you and with me indeed is the team who are consciously attending you, purposely to inspire you and uplift you and to serve the aspect of your intention and your soul which comes specifically to embrace the universal principles and energies of life.”

We are living in a unique time and working with these energy messages is the way to transform your life and to take part in creating a new way of life on planet Earth.

New energy and information messages are transmitted every week, so I invite you to add this site to your favourites, or visit us on Facebook, or listen to them, see Omega Transmissions and come and journey with us through dimensions and consciousness!